Brolga Counselling and Hypnotherapy
Bendigo & Bendigo region, established in Bendigo in 2014
Build Peaceful Relationships
(with others and with yourself)
Welcome to the Brolga Counselling website. I’m Jan Harbrow. I help people who want to change their lives.
I have been practising in Bendigo offering a range of therapies since 2014 and over time the main ones have become:
Collaborative Couples Therapy - In my years as a counsellor there’s a sentence I’ve heard over and over again…
“I love my partner but he/she drives me crazy” I can provide you with tools to deal with these relationship issues, tools that really work for you.
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (along with CBT) - Showing you the difference between feelings and the real you. I can show you how to stop your feelings pushing you around.
Solution Oriented Therapy - most of us don’t realize that the right answer is within us! I can help you find that answer.
Hypnosis – Hypnotherapy; a refreshing comforting experience that enables you to discard unwanted habits that stop you from enjoying the life you want.
"The hypnosis wasn't what I expected. It's a lovely experience and so strengthening."
"Since the hypnosis, I feel lighter."
“It’s been so good here; so positive.”
“I was nervous coming here but it’s been an uplifting challenge not a crushing challenge.”
“We’ve begun talking again since coming here.”
“Coming here saved my life.”
“We liked your website. We knew this was the place for us.”
“I’m not so bothered. I have more control. Something has shifted.”
“You don’t charge enough.”
“I’ll be back for more refreshment. Yes, that’s a good word for it.”
“The resources were really useful.”
“I’ve got back to me here.”